Case Studies in Trainings

Trainings & Seminars

Interpreter training
Client: Japanese electronics manufacturer

DetailsThe training was provided to eight interpreters employed by a major Japanese electronic components manufacturer.
The company employs in-house interpreters in English, Chinese and Thai. The training focused on learning the basic skills required for interpreting, as well as on developing the appropriate attitudes and study methods for working as an interpreter.

Business English training
Client: UK generator rental company

DetailsWe provided weekly English language lessons to the employees of a British company.
Although English was the official language of the company, not all staff members were fluent due to their multinational backgrounds.
The training was focused on grammar and writing as the staff encountered difficulties with reading and writing, as opposed to oral communication.

“Enhancing Interpreter Performance” Seminar
Client: Japanese electronics manufacturer

DetailsThe seminar on enhancing the performance of interpreters was held for the leading Japanese electronic components manufacturer. The event was attended by 110 employees who use interpreting services in their roles.
To enhance the performance of interpreters, it is not sufficient to improve the skills of the interpreters themselves. The individual utilising the interpreter have a responsibility to treat the interpreter with care and consideration.
From this seminar, they learned how to use interpreters effectively and to understand the importance of doing so.

“Diversity in Work Styles” Lecture
Client: Private University

DetailsProvided a 90-minute session at a private university as a guest lecturer. The lecture was aimed at university students preparing for job hunting, offering practical knowledge and perspectives to help them adapt to diverse work styles. Drawing from my experience as a business owner, I incorporated basic principles of economics and management, covering topics such as enhancing market value and the importance of risk hedging.