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Contact Us

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    INTERP LLC (hereinafter referred to as "we") has established the following Privacy Policy, has established a system for the protection of personal information, is fully aware of the importance of the protection of personal information, and promotes the protection of personal information.

    Purpose of use of personal data

    Personal information received from clients is used to send emails and documents to enable us to contact the clients, inform them about our business and answer their questions.

    Management of personal data

    In order to keep clients' personal information accurate and up to date and to prevent unauthorised access, loss, damage, falsification or leakage of personal information, we take necessary measures such as maintaining a security system, developing a management system and thoroughly training employees to implement security measures and strictly manage personal information.

    Prohibition on disclosure or transfer of personal data to third parties

    We will properly manage personal information received from clients and will not disclose personal information to third parties except with the consent of the client or where disclosure is required by law.

    Reference of identity

    If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal data, we will respond to the request after confirming the your identity.

    Compliance with and verification of laws, regulations and standards

    We will comply with Japanese laws, regulations and other standards applicable to personal information in its possession and will review and improve this policy from time to time.


    If you have any questions about our handling of personal data, please contact us from the Contact form.

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